Change Agents for Sustainability: competencies and activities
My co-authors and I propose 6 archetypes of Change Agents for Sustainability in our new paper. The study presents distinct competencies for each of the 6 archetypes of Change Agents for Sustainability and we propose a framework delineating the key activities through which Change Agents for Sustainability can drive organizational change toward sustainability.
What and How of Circular Disruption in the Age of Urgency
The slides of my keynote at the International Week on Sustainability at the Berlin School of Economics and Law in November 2023. The day was themed ‘The contribution of circular economy for coping with sustainability challenges’.
What a large meat company learned from protein entrepreneurs..
When it comes to sustainability innovation the content-focused learning from and alliance partner-specific learning about are both important – and not just for the large company, in our study BIGMEAT. It could even be argued that learning about and learning from merge when it comes to learning alliances that aim to further sustainability innovation.
'Business Experimentation for Sustainability' Call for Papers - Deadline 31 March 2019
Call for papers on business experimentation for sustainability in the Journal of Cleaner Production.